Business conditions in the modern business environment dictate new rules for a board of directors, namely the use of corporate board management systems. This article will review how this app can increase the efficiency of collegial bodies and make them forward-looking.

The objectives of implementing the board meeting software

New approaches and control algorithms are needed in a world where changes become constant and their speed increases. Hierarchical structures no longer cope with the functions assigned to them. Today businesses and corporate governments are oriented toward strategic planning. It can be done by eliminating duplicate steps, allocating responsibility, controlling implementation timelines, and reducing the time spent on individual actions. The work of the enterprise becomes transparent, and the distribution of tasks between employees minimizes the risks associated with the human factor.

In addition, the organization of work with documents is an important part of the management processes and decision-making, significantly affecting the efficiency and quality of management. The managerial decision method consists of obtaining information, processing it, analyzing, preparing, and making a decision. All these stages are closely related to the documentation support of management. The construction of a unified system for automating the board’s activity and document flow is designed to increase the efficiency and quality of work with documents, reduce labor costs, and strengthen control over the execution of documents. Therefore, board software is the best alternative for such operations. 

The primary purpose of the board meeting app is to provide collegial bodies with a tool for conducting high-quality corporate events, namely, initiating, preparing, holding, recording meetings, and notifying members of the board of directors.

The objectives of the implementation of the board software can be described as follows:

  • improving the quality of managerial decision-making due to the relevance and completeness of data;
  • reducing the burden on managers and key specialists of automated departments in terms of preparing reports and other documents;
  • ensuring the possibility of maintaining a register of corporate events;
  • providing a mechanism for automatic reminders of upcoming events related to the corporate activities of the board of directors;
  • formation and coordination of the agenda, place and time of meetings, work with materials on the issues of the meeting, control over access to them;
  • providing a quick search for information (documents, reference data on employees, a list of organizations where the user is a member of the board with the ability to view all the data of the company);
  • reuse of templates of corporate documents (list of user reports, model articles of association, voting ballots, etc.);
  • ensuring the possibility of conducting the process of absentee voting.

Common aspects of the board software functionality

A good organization of the board meeting workflow helps the timely passage of documents through the organization’s departments, and the uniform loading of departments and officials contributes to the effective management of the enterprise. The main features of the team collaboration platform are similar to systems focused on business processes. However, their distinctive feature is the way they are used and distributed. Like tools such as word processors and spreadsheets, corporate board portals are the standard “default application” for creating and publishing documents in an organization. As a rule, these tools are not focused on use only in a particular industry or for a narrowly defined task. They are offered and implemented as company-wide technologies available to almost any category of users.

At the system level, the possibility of a secure connection via the HTTPS protocol is implemented, access to documents and data is determined based on the role model of access rights, and access rights can be determined according to various conditions.